Falling Over Vernal Fall

ハイカーがVernal Fallの上から滝壺まで落ちたそうです。

Yosemite National Park News Release
August 1, 2005
For Immediate Release
24-Year-Old Hiker Dies After Falling Over Vernal Fall
A 24-year-old hiker died Saturday in Yosemite National Park after falling over Vernal Fall. Chintan Chokshi, a San Francisco area resident, crossed the safety barrier at the top of the Fall to cool off after hiking, lost his footing, and was witnessed being swept over the fall. Rangers were called to the scene at approximately 11:15 am. Searchers will continue to look for Chokshi’s body on foot and by helicopter through today.
Chokshi was hiking with friends on the popular Mist Trail in Yosemite National Park.
Signs at the bridge near Vernal Fall use strong language and international symbols to warn hikers of the dangers of entering the water in that area. High water levels, wet rocks, and strong currents make the area extremely dangerous. Swimming is not permitted in Emerald Pool or in river areas along the Mist Trail.

“Falling Over Vernal Fall” への3件の返信

  1. 滝沿いの岩はかなり磨かれていて、靴底が濡れていると、氷のように滑ります。川遊び、特に滝のそばは注意が必要です。
    John MuirもYosemite Fallsの落ち口そばですべり、一命を落とすところでした。「My First Summer in the Sierra」、7月15日の項を参照

  2. 新聞記事では、顔を洗いに柵を乗り越えたようだと書いてありました。たぶん、水が減りつつあって柵の向こう側に少しだけ岩肌が露出していたんでしょうね。
