
James Mason Hutchingsはヨセミテでの最初の観光業者ですが、1855年、彼に引率されたグループがヨセミテを訪問しました。その中にはアーティストのThomas Ayresが含まれており、 Ayresの描いたヨセミテのスケッチはHutchingsの文章とともに世界中に紹介され、ヨセミテ観光の時代に幕が開いたというわけです。
(NPSのDaily Reportより)
Ayresのスケッチはこちらのページ”A trip to the yohamite valley”に載っています。

150TH Anniversary of Tourism, July 27th
July 27, 2005 markes the 150th anniversary of the arrival of the first documented tourist party to Yosemite Valley. Led by James Mason Hutchings, the group included Walter Millard, Alexander Stair, and artist Thomas Ayres. Although people have inhabited the area for some 8,000 years, it was the Hutchings Party that left the first known published images and descriptions of Yosemite.
While the others explored, Ayres sketched.? His several drawings were reproduced as etchings and other works of art, often embellished and exaggerated in scale.? Along with Hutchings’ written descriptions, these illustrations circulated around the world, in effect? beginning the era of Yosemite tourism.
When he returned to Mariposa, Hutchings had his account of the trip published in the Mariposa Gazette on August 9, 1855. The only known copy of this article, pasted into Hutchings’ own scrapbook, was obtained for the Yosemite Museum collection using a grant from the Yosemite Fund in 1999.
Yosemite musician/historian Tom Bopp has written an article about the Hutchings visit to appear in the next edition of the Yosemite Association journal.? Bopp’s 10-minute DVD documentary on the same subject is being shown at selected evening programs in the valley.
On July 27th, Tom Bopp’s short documentary will air in the Yosemite Valley Visitor Center from 9am to 7pm.? Stop by and view this 10 minute piece!
The long version of the article that Tom Bopp wrote on Hutchings in Yosemite, complete with primary sources, is online at yosemitemusic.com. (J. Miller – 7/25/05)

Hitoshi について

