– Wednesday, March 23 – 7:00 PM – West Auditorium
50-60’sヨセミテ・クライミングの黎明期に活躍したクライマーのトム・フロストによるトークイベントが3/23夜にヴァレー・ビジターセンターのWest Auditoriumで行われます。

Tom Frost will present a talk at 7:00 PM in the West Auditorium.? Tom Frost is a major climbing figure from the 50s and 60s, contributed to gear design and climbing philosophy, helped Yvon Chouinard set up Patagonia, is in the Vertical Frontiers movie, is a well known American Alpine Club member, and worked with the Service to nominate Camp 4 to the National Register.? Everyone is welcome. (P. Chattey – 3/18/05)